Dynamic typing
If you're used to languages such as C++, C# or Java, you'll know that in these languages, variables must be declared before they can be used. Declaring a variable in…
If you're used to languages such as C++, C# or Java, you'll know that in these languages, variables must be declared before they can be used. Declaring a variable in…
[latexpage] If you have nightmares from trying to deal with fractions from your school days, Python's Fraction data type may be just what you need. A Fraction is an object…
We've seen that floats in Python can sometimes be inaccurate due to roundoff error. One way to correct this is to use Python's Decimal data type. A Decimal variable allows…
[latexpage] The float data type A float number in Python is any real number. Unlike integers, however, floats are restricted in size. In memory, they are stored as 64-bit objects,…
[latexpage]We'll start our survey of data types in Python with the most basic type: numbers. If you're used to other programming languages, you might expect only the two most basic…
Although you can use the Python interpreter console to try out Python statements, the console doesn't allow us to save what we've written, so it can get quite tedious having…
I will use Visual Studio Community as the development environment for writing Python programs. It is available for free from Microsoft's Visual Studio website. It's easiest if you Google 'Visual…